For Sale, 598 units Coral Trout asking $46.05 + GST per unit Please call 0427 373 844. Please enquire about other quota for sale (8567)
For Sale, 1000 units Southern Offshore Trawl Effort Units, asking $8.00+ (165)
For sale 110 units (~4.9 ton) GC1 – ITQ. Asking price is $100.00/Kg unused + GST available on 1/7/25 or please inquire if interested to purchase as used before then. (8563)
For sale: approx 4500 Kg EC1 asking $33.00/Kg. Owner may also sell C1 licence, boat and gear please ask if interested (787)
Wanted to Purchase: around 500 Kg of EC1 (about 20 units) Please call with offers (288)
For sale: 2000 Central Trawl units asking $10+/Unit (8397)
Wanted to purchase EC1 ITQ offer is $30+ / Kg neg, please call to discuss. (8527)
For sale Primary licence with T1, M1 and quota (described below) $85k+ negotiable (8538)
Southern offshore Trawl units 1640 Central Trawl units 850 Morton Bay 2570 Note: Above amounts are rounded to nearest 10